LibreOffice on tehokas toimisto-ohjelmisto. Sen yksinkertainen käyttöliittymä ja tehokkaat työkalut tehostavat tuottavuuttasi jättäen tilaa myös luovuudelle.
LibreOffice koostuu useasta sovelluksesta, jotka tekevät siitä markkinoiden monipuolisimman vapaan ja avoimen lähdekoodin toimisto-ohjelmiston.
LibreOffice on yksi ystävällisimmistä ja nopeimmin kasvavista projekteista vapaiden ja avoimen lähdekoodin ohjelmistojen maailmassa.
Next Wednesday, on March 26, we will celebrate Document Freedom Day 2025. During the day, we will mainly talk about the ISO Open Document Format, which was approved in 2005 by OASIS and in 2006 by ISO. Due to the global scale of the LibreOffice project, our events will be online. There will be three […]
Heiko Tietze from LibreOffice’s Design community tells us about UI and UX improvements in the suite, how decisions are made, and more. (Also available on PeerTube). Please confirm that you want to play a YouTube video. By accepting, you will be accessing content from YouTube, a service provided by an external third party. YouTube privacy policy […]
Next Wednesday, on March 26, we will celebrate Document Freedom Day 2025. During the day, we will mainly talk about the ISO Open Document Format, which was approved in 2005 by OASIS and in 2006 by ISO. Due to the global scale of the LibreOffice project, our events will be online. There will be three […]
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